Request for available currencies and networks
This request is used to get the list of currencies and payment networks available for a payment or a payout through the selected payment gateway.
Send a POST
request to
with the following parameters:
Parameter | Type | Description |
gateway_id * required |
integer | An ID of the payment gateway provided to you by the payment method provider and enabled for your shop in the eComCharge system. |
account | string | An account number. If the parameter is not submitted, the provider returns the balance amount of the default account. |
country | string | The customer's billing country. Set in the ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 format, for example GB . |
Request example
"gateway_id": 1234,
The response contains the following parameters:
Parameter | Type | Description |
status * required |
string | A status of the processed transaction. |
code * required |
string | A transaction processing code. |
message * required |
string | A notification from the service of the eComCharge system for merchants. |
friendly_message * required |
string | A description of the transaction processing code for customers. |
gateway_id * required |
integer | An ID of the payment gateway provided to you by the payment method provider and enabled for your shop in the eComCharge system. |
account * required |
string | An account number. If the parameter is not submitted in the request, the provider returns the balance amount of the default account. |
country * required |
string | A billing country for which the information about available currencies and methods is provided. |
provider_info | object | A section of additional information provided by the acquirer or the payment method provider. |
Response example
"code": "S.0000",
"status": "Successful",
"message": "none",
"friendly_message": "Successfully processed",
"gateway_id": 1111,
"account": "40701810842020395221",
"country": "LT",
"currency": "TRX",
"provider_info": {
"currency": "TRX",
"alias": "Tron",
"allowDeposit": true,
"allowWithdrawal": true,
"priceUSD": "0.05963000",
"networks": [
"name": "tron",
"alias": "Tron (TRC20)",
"allowDeposit": true,
"allowWithdrawal": true,
"withdrawalFee": "1",
"withdrawalMin": 0,
"confirmations": 10,
"underMaintenance": false,
"isDefault": false,
"contract": null,
"addressRegex": "^T[1-9A-HJ-NP-Za-km-z]{33}$",
"tagRegex": ""